Welcome to "Defining Bad Religion."  Here you will find the most important part of Bad Religion's music, the lyrics.  Along with their lyrics, this site will bring you interpretations to the meanings of these songs, written by others who have visited this site. Post your interpretations, responses to other interpretations, or your feelings about any song here.  They will be added ASAP.  Thank you.  Samhain138

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      Read what Brett Gurewitz has to say about interpreting...

      Recent Updates                     Now with 599 interpretations and 132 responses


September 20th, 2002

     Supersonic - Alma Mater  *10th Entry*

     Evangeline (Response) - Alma Mater  *4th Entry*

     Shattered Faith - Alma Mater *1st Entry*

     The Hopeless Housewife - Tina727  *3rd Entry*

     Bored And Extremely Dangerous - The Delivery Man  *18th Entry*

     Sorrow - Nicko  *26th Entry*

     The Lie - Agent 23  *3rd Entry*

     God Song - Brad  *7th Entry*

     You Don't Belong (Response) - OC Illusions  *16th Entry*

     Epiphany - The Punk Rawker  *16th Entry*

     Bad Religion In General - OldMisterFletcher  *14th Entry*

     I Want To Conquer The World - Nelson  *17th Entry*

     Bad Religion In General (Response) - Chris Andrews *15th Entry*

     Sorrow - Punkdurny  *27th Entry*

     Better Off Dead - Bromley  *23rd Entry*


September 16th, 2002

     Pity The Dead - JoeTB  *9th Entry*

     Sorrow - Hecademus  *24th Entry*

     Broken - TaurUrga  *8th Entry*

     Supersonic - Thomas *9th Entry*

     Modern Man - CrazyCanuck2k  *6th Entry*

     The Answer - MelancholyProtection  *6th Entry*

     There Will Be A Way - MelancholyProtection  *2nd Entry*

     The Lie - Forever_Punk  *2nd Entry*

     Sorrow (Response) - Guitar Dude 69  *25th Entry*

     Fuck Armageddon... This Is Hell - Rolyn  *3rd Entry*

     Flat Earth Society - Capone  *12th Entry*

     The Answer - Cotter  *7th Entry*

     Bored And Extremely Dangerous - R-Dogg  *17th Entry*

     Kyoto Now! (Response) - R-Dogg  *15th Entry*

     Struck A Nerve (Response) - Justin-Sane  *4th Entry*


September 15th, 2002

     Bad Religion - Darweth2002  *13th Entry*

     Chimaera - grasshopa  *8th Entry*

     You Don't Belong (Response) - Barneyk19  *15th Entry*

     Broken - Crazy B  *6th Entry*

     Sorrow - Crazy B  *23rd Entry*

     Epiphany - Crazy B  *15th Entry*

     Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Crazy B  *15th Entry*

     American Jesus - David Blake  *32nd Entry*

     Chimaera (Response) - McDeus  *9th Entry*

     Inner Logic - Psycoticpixie  *12th Entry*

     You - CrazyCanuck2k  *12th Entry*

     I Want To Conquer The World - Smiley Dave  *16th Entry*

     The Defense - Magic Bob  *6th Entry*

     Bored And Extremely Dangerous - CrazyCanuck2k  *16th Entry*

     Broken - PC_Fascist  *7th Entry*


September 14th, 2002

     You Don't Belong - Paradigm Shift  *14th Entry*

     Sorrow - Tab  *22nd Entry*

     Inner Logic - McDeus  *11th Entry*

     Stranger Than Fiction - Colin  *10th Entry*

     Supersonic - Dawn  *8th Entry*

     There Will Be A Way - Grasshopa  *1st Entry*

     Believe It - Grasshopa  *1st Entry*

     I Love My Computer - Odix  *7th Entry*

     Broken - Emptyness  *5th Entry*

     Drastic Actions - Emptyness *1st Entry*

     Latch Key Kids - Emptyness  *1st Entry*

     Pretenders - Emptyness  *1st Entry*


April 10th, 2002

     A Walk - McDeus  *4th Entry*

     New America (Response) - McDeus  *4th Entry*

     Sorrow - sickboyMXPXstyle  *18th Entry*

     You Don't Belong (Response) - havenpunk  *9th Entry*

     American Jesus - Tom Joad  *30th Entry*

     You Don't Belong (Response) - BdRlgn1579  *10th Entry*

     21st Century Digital Boy - jms  *16th Entry*

     Broken (Response) - Woodrow *4th Entry*

     You Don't Belong (Response) - Vader  *11th Entry*

     Epiphany (Response) - Vader  *14th Entry*

     Evangeline - Lord HA-HA-HA  *3rd Entry*

     Bad Religion In General - SALTATE!  *11th Entry*

     Atomic Garden - SALTATE!  *3rd Entry*

     Atomic Garden - SALTATE!  *4th Entry*

     You - SALTATE!  *11th Entry*

     American Jesus - jumpstart  *31st Entry*

     Sorrow (Response) - DexterT  *19th Entry*

     God Song (Response) - burdened  *6th Entry*

     Sorrow - CrazyCanuck2k  *20th Entry*

     No Control - CrazyCanuck2k  *8th Entry*

     You Don't Belong - My Epitome Me  *12th Entry*

     Better Off Dead - lividtangerine  *22nd Entry*

     Individual - lividtangerine  *4th Entry*

     You Don't Belong (Response) - Josh  *13th Entry*

     Kyoto Now! - Tab  *13th Entry*

     Kyoto Now! (Response) - Tab  *14th Entry*

     Sorrow - Tab  *21st Entry*

     Materialist - Tab  *15th Entry*

     Stranger Than Fiction - TonyTheRed  *9th Entry*

     Bored And Extremely Dangerous - Paradigm Shift  *9th Entry*